TOEFL, IELTS & TOEIC Preparation courses courses

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TOEFL, IELTS & TOEIC Preparation courses

LSI 30 Cambridge Examination Courses
(30 lessons per week)

The Cambridge Examinations in English are recognised and highly regarded by English speaking universities and companies. At LSI we offer tailored courses to prepare for these examinations

 30 lessons per week
 Intermediate level
 Course length: 8/10/12 weeks
 1 lesson: 50 minutes

First Certificate is the most popular of the Cambridge examinations, and can lead to new opportunities professionally and in further education. Our courses are designed to prepare you for all 5 parts of the exam (reading, writing, speaking, listening and grammar), and to let you sit the exam with confidence. For students who are quite confident on all the basic skills, we have a new fast-track 8-week Course at LSI Cambridge. Now even less time is needed to open doors to your future with an FCE course at LSI.


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