Business English courses

   Preguntas frecuentes
Lista de exámenes
Nivel de lengua
Material de viaje
Sitios de interés
Se buscan chicas europeas para ir de au pair a INGLATERRA a partir de septiembre (durante un mínimo de 6 meses)

   Enlaces Relacionados


Business English

24 (20 hours) Per week

Any monday between : January and May / September and December

Higher Intermediate / Advanced

2 weeks minimum

 Take the course if you are preparing for a career in business or are already working
 Study in dynamic and hard working classes with extremely experienced Business English Teachers
 Learn new language based around a coursebook in the first lesson of every day
 Use other materials in the second lesson to develop your language skills
 Pratse the language you learned in the morning in your third lesson
 Study a wide range of skills and topics including participating in meetings and discussions, negociating, giving presentations, sales and marketing, finance and banking, report and e.mail, writing and intercultural studies
 Negociate part of your course with your colleagues and teacher to suit your needes and interests
 Improve your ability to communicate in business situations and learn important business vocabulary and how to use it
 Expect up to 2 hours homework per day


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